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Establishing, Expanding, and Contesting Freedoms

In his keynote at the National Staff Development Council, Dr. Mike Schmoker stated that the single factor having the largest impact on achievement and college readiness is “teacher effect.” An effective teacher needs both a depth of content knowledge and effective practices. Establishing, Expanding, and Contesting Freedoms will ensure that project teachers examine and improve their understanding of the relationship of historical events to vital themes in U.S. history and effective instructional practices to help students engage in American history and enable them to engage in historical writing – the search to reconstruct what went before, a quest illuminated by ever-changing prisms that continually place old questions in a new light.


What Participants Are Saying…

I joined initially to earn the 18 grad needed so I could teach the UMKC dual credit class. I stayed for lots of other reasons.
-I have learned a ton of history that helps me be a better history instructor as well as teaching skills that make me a better teacher. There is a difference 🙂
-My favorite part of the grant is the friendships I've made with colleagues where we share lesson plans, frustrations, and life in general!
-Being a student again myself has been a good way for me to reflect on what I do in my classroom and connect with how my students feel.
-history labs and investigations have changed the way I teach history. I have a new set of skills and tools to use with my students. The most practical thing I learned to use was foldables:)
-Overall I am a more professional, better educated historian rather than just a deliverer of trivia. I'm a bigger history nerd than I was before.
-I loved the trips! Seeing those historical sites with others who enjoyed them as much as I did was great. It also gives me first hand knowledge of our Marion's treasures that hopefully will inspire an appreciation among my students.